Island Roads is appealing to motorists to obey road closures during improvement works.
The request comes as the Highways PFI company begins to intensify its road improvement programme across the Island.
Traffic restrictions are put in place for a number of reasons. Not only do they enable Island Roads staff to operate safely and efficiently which helps to minimise disruption, they also protect road users.
Materials used in most resurfacing schemes are extremely hot and so the road closures also protect residents from injuring themselves, their pets and or damaging their own vehicles.
“Most people understand the need for road closures and I am pleased to say that the overwhelming majority of motorists obey these temporary restrictions,” said Island Roads service director Paul Herbert.
“However there have been some isolated incidents recently when road closures have been ignored and our staff verbally abused. In one incident this week, two workmen were struck by a car that ignored road closure signs. Fortunately they were not seriously hurt but it could have been a different story
“We are extremely grateful to the vast majority of residentsand motorists who respect road closures but will not tolerate abuse, either physical or verbal, towards our staff and I will support my employees in any police action required.
“The vast majority of Island Roads staff are Island Residents and are aware that road closures can cause some temporary inconvenience. However I would stress that they are in place for very good reasons. If obeyed, they allow schemes to be completed as safely – and as quickly – as possible.”
Mr Herbert added that residents are given advance notice of forthcoming road works and efforts are always made to reduce the impact of road closureswhere possible.