Photo showing Southern Water and Island Roads staff members shaking hands in front of work site

Isle of Wight Council Streetworks Permit Scheme

What is it and why is it being introduced?

A new permit scheme designed to give better control over works by utility companies and other contractors on the highway network is to be introduced from 30th March 2020.

The Isle of Wight has in the region of 6000 road and street works undertaken on its highway network each year.

Currently, statutory organisations are required to inform us of their plans and give a required period of notice, however we have little control over the timing and duration of these plans.  This can lead to disruption for road users and difficulties scheduling and coordinating other highway improvement works.

The new scheme, like many others already operating across the country, will require utility companies (gas, electricity, water, telecommunications) and other contractors to apply for a permit in advance of any works.

As part of this process they will need to demonstrate the need for work they are planning to undertake and give more details on what is envisaged including traffic management arrangements.

Companies will also have to demonstrate that there has been appropriate consultation around schemes that are likely to have a high impact on road users.

The highway authority (Isle of Wight Council) can then approve, reject or request a modification to the permit application and apply working conditions.

Fixed penalty notices can then be applied by the council for any errors in the permit application or breaches of working conditions applied.

The permit would not apply to works required in an emergency which would continue to be undertaken as necessary.

What are the benefits?

The new system will allow the local authority to better coordinate, regulate and manage essential roadworks.

It will also provide:

  • Improvements to overall network management
  • Reduced congestion on the road network
  • Reduced disruption to residents from significant works projects
  • Improved journey time reliability
  • Improved quality of information and advance notice to residents and road users

Who should apply?

Under the new permit scheme, any highway activities undertaken by the Isle of Wight Council as the Highway or Traffic Authority and any statutory organisation commissioning or undertaking the installation or maintenance of apparatus in the public highway will have to book time on the highway network by applying for a permit prior to carrying out any works.

The scheme will operate in accordance with national statutory guidance for all permit schemes in England which can be viewed here.

Other highway activities, such as skips, scaffolding, private excavations for dropped crossings, temporary traffic regulation orders/notices etc and other licensable activities under section 50 of NRSWA 1991 or the Highways Act 1980 are not covered by the permit scheme and permission should be obtained via the appropriate licence.

How do I apply?

Please find below all associated scheme documentation, including the permit scheme order detailing the application process, registrable activities, fees and charges.

The scheme is being introduced following a period of consultation.  Consultation documents including our response to issues raised are included below.

Permit applications should be made from 30 March 2020 using the current utilities EToN system, with the new DfT Street Manager system due to replace this on 1 July 2020.

If you have any queries, please email or contact us on 01983 822440.