We have produced a series of factsheets on different aspects of our services on the Island which explain our responsibilities and how we work under our contract. We hope that you find these useful. Simply click on the link below to read/download the relevant factsheet.
Abandoned Vehicles (a guide to reporting abandoned vehicles and the processes followed by Island Roads)
Work by public utility companies (who can work on the highway and how we deal with applications)
Maintaining the Island’s roads (a guide to our work to repair potholes)
Glyphosate Frequently Asked Questions (information about the use of Glyphosate to manage weeds on the highway network)
Working to ensure lasting highway improvements (a guide to road improvement work in 2022)
Keeping the Island clean and tidy (street cleansing, flytipping, litter, leaf fall and dog bins).
Looking after the Island highway environment (grass and verge cutting, tree, hedge and ditch maintenance).
The Highways Safety Improvement Register (how road safety schemes are added to the highway network).
Improving and Upgrading the Island’s roads (a guide to our carriageway improvement work on the Island).
Improving and Upgrading the Island’s footways (a guide to our footway improvement work on the Island).
Working in the Community (a guide to our charitable foundation, volunteering and charity work).
Caring for the Environment (a guide to how we are reducing our carbon footprint and supporting sustainability).
Helping to reduce flooding on the highway network (a guide to our work on the Island to help reduce highway flooding).
Working to keep our roads safe during the winter (a guide to our winter service on the Island)