Beaper Shute set for upgrade

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 2:34 pm

A section of busy Brading Road and Beaper Shute, Ryde is to be resurfaced shortly by Island Roads.

The work between a point 200 metres south of Beaper Farm and the Tesco Roundabout will be resurfaced at night in order to reduce disruption.

Work is due to take place over four nights between the hours of 7.30pm and 6am. The project is currently scheduled to begin on Tuesday 17 April.

Nearby residents and businesses have received letters explaining the work and Island roads staff have also been out to discuss the project with businesses in the area including campsites who are most affected. Information boards will also be displayed at the location prior to the project starting. Some preparatory work may be required in advance of the resurfacing.

During work, a diversion will be in place via Carpenters Road, Eddington Road, Nettlestone, Calthorpe Road, Appley Road and Brading Road.

Island Roads construction manager Keith Gourlay said: “This is a scheme to improve a very busy section of road and by working overnight we are seeking to minimise inconvenience.”