Island Roads staff have again chosen local children’s charity Daisy Chains as the good cause they will be supporting in the coming year.
It will be the third year running Island Roads staff will be supporting Daisy Chains as traditional fundraising activity has been severely hampered by restrictions in place to stop the spread of Covid-19.
“With life gradually returning to normal we hope that 2022 will be a much, much more active year in terms of the fundraising we are able to undertake on behalf of Daisy Chains.” Said Elbie Todd of the Island Roads staff charity committee.
“We have been able to undertake some fundraising such as a Halloween cake sale this year but with many people working from home during the pandemic we simply have not been able to hold the number of events we would have liked to.
“We now have another year in which to really boost the amount we are able to raise for this fantastic charity which does some truly amazing work.”
Daisy Chains was formed in 2012 by a group of Island parents of children that have been affected by long term/life limiting illness or disability. Much of the charity’s work involves helping with the travel needs of families requiring treatment or therapy on the mainland.
To support this, Island Roads staff recently presented Daisy Chains with a ‘NICU box’ containing items to assist families with their mainland stays.
Daisy Chains spokesperson Kellie Lawrence said: “We can’t thank Island Roads enough for their continued support of our work, it’s been a really tough couple of years for us and without the support of local businesses like this we simply would not have been able to get through the pandemic. We look forward to working with Island Roads over the next year.”