Free Christmas parking marks the completion of Freshwater project

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 7:23 am
Island Roads project mamager Mark Downes with Freshwater Parish Coucnil chair Gill Kennett and Mike Wheeler

The major project to make Freshwater town centre a better place for road users and pedestrians has been completed on schedule.

To mark the end of the twelve-week scheme in Avenue Road by Island Roads in partnership with Freshwater Parish Council and the IW Council, free two-hour parking is being offered at Avenue Road car park until Christmas.

Island Roads is underwriting the cost of the free parking as a goodwill gesture to the town, its traders and residents.

This major scheme has seen the reconstruction and resurfacing of Avenue Road, the resurfacing and widening of the footway and also the creation of other improvements to the streetscene including planters and a series of pedestrian crossing points.

Steve Ashman, Island Roads deputy service director, said: “This has been much more than a resurfacing scheme. Not only have we rebuilt the foundations of the road to make it more durable in the future, we have created a number of improvements to make Avenue Road a more pedestrian-friendly shopping area. As a result of all this work however, there has been an inevitable impact on the area over recent weeks. 

“Though we have finished the project on schedule, we wanted to recognise the patience and understanding shown by businesses and residents. We are therefore pleased to be able to respond to traders requests and to provide free parking in Avenue Road.”

“We would urge residents to make use of this free parking, to enjoy this newly-improved area and of course to support local traders.”

Freshwater Parish Councillor Mike Wheeler, who has been overseeing the project on behalf of Freshwater Parish Council, said: “We are all aware of the disruption caused by the major roadworks and the impact it has had on local businesses and the community in general. We are grateful therefore to Island Roads for providing the free parking during the busy run-up to Christmas.

“I am confident that the scheme represents a major improvement to the street scene and confirms that Freshwater is open for business.”

Island Roads will be maintaining a small presence on site next week to ensure that all the final details are complete and that the area is left clean and tidy. Businesses and residents are encouraged to highlight any items that operatives can deal with whilst on site.