Hair-raising Ben earns £500 for charity

Posted on: June 23, 2019 at 3:58 pm
Ben gets the treatment from colleague Elbie

There was a bit of pain but plenty of gain in a hair-raising charity effort by Island Roads traffic management operative Ben Meakin.

Ben agreed to have a full back and chest (and nostril) wax as part of a programme of events to raise cash for Isle of Wight Homes-Start, the good cause chosen by Island Roads staff as their charity of the year.

Isle of Wight Home-Start, is a charity supporting local families on the Island who are experiencing difficulties.

Ben’s colleagues Elbie Todd and Maria Escandell were quick to offer Ben their help and eagerly, and literally, tore strips off him as staff looked on.

Ben said: “It did hurt a bit. And when the hot wax went up my nostrils it made my eyes water, I must admit.

“But with a bit of soothing cream it wasn’t too bad. In fact I will be getting Elbie to wax my chest again shortly.

“It was all a bit of fun and I was delighted to be able to raise money for the local Home-start.”

Ben’s waxing raised over £500 for Isle of Wight Home-Start.