Island Roads launch 2017 customer survey

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 4:59 am

Island Roads will carry out its annual customer survey throughout February.

It will be the fourth such survey in which Island Roads has invited the public to rate the company’s performance against many aspects of its work to improve the Island’s highway network.

The results are used to help Island Roads develop an ongoing action to improve its performance year on year.

Survey results have improved over the past two years in terms of residents’ ratings for road surfacing improvements, pavement improvements, street lighting installations, street cleansing, hedge and verge cutting, winter service, street furniture maintenance, customer service and communication whilst satisfaction with highway maintenance works was broadly similar to the 2015 result.

Paul Herbert, Island Roads service director, said: “The results of the annual survey tell us where residents feel we are performing well and, crucially, where there is room for improvement.  While the PFI contract has several mechanisms for ensuring we operate to a high standard, it is always extremely useful to hear what residents think of our performance.

“It has been an exceptionally busy twelve months across all areas, not least in improving around 100 kilometres of highway across the Island, raising the average condition of the network as required by the contract. It will be interesting and valuable to hear how residents felt we performed in delivering that unprecedented level of improvement work.”

Executive member for major contracts management, Councillor Jon Gilbey, said: “I would urge people to respond to this survey as it is important to Island Roads that they are able to gauge how their service is viewed by the residents they are working on behalf of.

“Residents’ opinions are extremely important as they identify where improvements can be made as well as highlighting the good practice already in place.”

The annual survey can be completed online at while paper versions are available at Island Roads’ headquarters at Daish Way, Newport, from County Hall reception and from public libraries.