Island roads responds to pothole ‘perfect storm’

Posted on: February 28, 2023 at 12:53 pm

Island Roads is continuing to respond to a ‘perfect storm’ of weather conditions that have created a recent increase in the number of potholes on the road network.

A hot, dry summer followed by prolonged rainfall and below-freezing temperatures have, unfortunately created the ideal conditions for potholes to form.

In January alone, at the height of the cold snap, there were 354 reports of potholes received by Island Roads.

Island Roads have been working flat out to repair these in line with national safety requirements.

At times, additional resources have been deployed to ensure these requirements were met. Currently, while teams remain out on the network, there is no backlog.

However though Island Roads staff keep a regular eye on the network, residents are advised to report any potholes they come across. The best way of doing so is online via the Fix My Street service via the home age of

New updated information on the types of potholes and their causes have also been added to the Island Roads website and can be viewed here

Cllr Phil Jordan, IW Council cabinet member for highways and transportation said: “The weather has provided the perfect conditions for potholes to form, which is why we’re seeing a marked increase in the number of road defects across the Island.

“We have made a huge investment in our roads and pavements through our PFI contract which enables us to have well-connected communities and improved highways which meet the Councils objectives and provide the best highways network possible.

“The Island’s road and pavement surfaces are among the best we have ever had and favourably comparable to any other area in the UK but we will ensure that potholes reported to us are investigated and we will make a prompt and effective repair where necessary.’’