Island Roads supports Jeans for Genes

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 6:30 am
Island Roads employees from left to right picture shows from left to right Scott Burborough, Dave Edmead, Dave Marsh and Ian Hodson holding Teya Le-Moigne.

Staff at Island Roads have raised £295 during Genetic Disorders UK’s annual Jeans for Genes Day event.

The money was raised on Friday (Sept 22) by staff donating £2 to wear jeans (or something blue) for the day, from an office cake sale and also a raffle.

Lorraine Fuller, Island Roads Searches/Street Naming & Numbering Officer said: “I would like to thank all those who supported the day, including Teya Le-Moigne who put the raise into fundraising when she was held aloft by colleagues for a team photo.”

The monies raised during Jeans for Genes Day enables Genetic Disorders UK to help disorder-specific charities to deliver inspiring projects and support services for children affected by a genetic disorder in the UK such as providing for day-to-day support, equipment, nursing, patient support and also events to bring together affected children and their families.