Island Roads volunteers help spruce up Bembridge

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 4:05 am
Before and after work at Lane End

Lane End in Bembridge has become the latest location in the town to be spruced up in a community-led drive to brighten up the village.

Volunteers from Island Roads joined Bembridge’s parish lengthsmen and members of the Green Town steering group for a project to improve the appearance of Lane End car park – one of several such projects undertaken locally in advance of the judging for the Best Kept Village awards.

The Lane End work involved digging out unkempt shrubs and planting new red flowered Escalonias, repainting all of the walls and steps, varnishing benches and maintaining the shrub beds near the toilet block.

Bembridge parish clerk Emma Goldring said the two days of work had brought about a marked improvement to the area.

“We couldn’t have tackled this area without the help of Island Roads officers who were invaluable to the project,” she said.

Dave Wallis, Island Roads operations manager said: “We were delighted to help out the project under our volunteering scheme that gives staff two days leave in order for them to  give this time to a local good cause or charity.”

The Island Roads staff joining the project were supervisor Nigel Smith and operatives Steve Probert and Mark Davis.