Local organisations working to tackle social exclusion once again have an opportunity to apply for grant funding from the Isle of Wight Foundation.
Each year the foundation – which is jointly funded by Ringway Island Roads, Meridiam, VINCI Concessions and Island Roads Services, the companies which make up the partnership behind Island Roads – awards grants of between £3,000 and £16,000 to eligible good causes.
Since 2014 around £400,000 has been given to such organisations with 12 local projects sharing £95,000 last year alone.
Now the search is on for groups, charities and projects who are eligible for support in the next round of funding. Frompromotingbetteraccesstoemployment,toinitiativesthathelppeopleacquiretrainingand qualifications,togivingdisadvantagedpeopleaccesstohousingandraisingyoungpeoples’ awarenessofgoodcitizenship,the foundation is looking to continue its work to promote socialcohesion on the Island.
Besides cash support, under the IW Foundation grant scheme the eligible projects will also be supported by Island Roads employees, who will be given the opportunity by the company to be a project ‘sponsor’ and to provide their specialist skills on a voluntary basis to provide further support.
Phillip Horton, chief executive of the IW Foundation said: “So far we have been able to assist 42 groups who between them do some really fantastic work and it has been a pleasure to support these.
“But we know there are other projects out there who can also benefit from grant support and we are really keen to receive applications from these. All of us who are involved in Island Roads are keen that the Highways Improvement Programme is more than an engineering project – we want to make a positive impact on Island life in other areas and supporting eligible good causes through the foundation is one way we can do that.”
All bids must be submitted between February 4 and May 1. 2019. To find out more about the foundation and its work and to download an application form please visit http://www.islandroads.com/137-iw-foundation.html Successful applicants will be announced at the end of the year.
Any questionsrelatingtotheIsleofWightFoundationorthegrantapplicationandaward process can be emailed to IWFoundation@IslandRoads.com