Works to develop a long-term solution to strengthen and restore the load-bearing capacity of Wootton Bridge are progressing well.
Island Roads has been consulting with a number of local land owners, third party agencies and statutory highways advisory bodies, to discuss and agree the works to the bridge and to start the process of acquiring any necessary licences. Marine, environment and heritage considerations as well as the impact of works on the highway itself have all been forming a major consideration during this process.
An initial design concept has been identified and from 7th September further investigatory works will take place over a period of five days which will help inform the development of detailed plans. These works will be dependent on tides but will generally take place between the hours of 0700 and 1800 during the five days. There will be no adverse effect to traffic during this time. Local residents and councillors have been informed of these works via a letter drop.
It is difficult to put detailed timings on the wider remedial scheme until we have both the results of next week’s investigations and have also acquired the necessary consents.
Everyone at Island Roads is aware of the importance of this work and would assure residents that were are doing all we can to deliver this scheme as soon as possible, hopefully by early in the New Year.
The outcome of next week’s investigations – which involves further detailed analysis of the structure to determine its composition and strength – will inform the final plans which will then be widely communicated, along with a timetable for the works.
Island Roads would like to thank the residents and businesses for their patience during this time and ask that everyone continues to observe the weight and speed restrictions on the bridge.
The cost of this long-term solution will be met by Island Roads under the Highways PFI.