Main Road at Rookley to be improved

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 4:33 am

A large section of the Main Road at Rookley is due to be resurfaced by Island Roads shortly.

The project to improve the stretch between Merstone Lane and Highwood Lane is expected to take ten nights and is currently scheduled to begin on July 28.

In order to minimise disruption to road users, the work on what is part of the Island’s strategic road network will be undertaken Monday to Friday between the hours of 7.30pm and 6am. To reduce inconvenience to residents, the work will be undertaken in four phases: Highwood Lane to Niton Road, Niton Road to Hillcrest Road, Hillcrest Road to Rookley Country Park and Rookley Country Park to 200 metres from Merstone Lane.

During work the road will be closed and a diversion in place. The road will be re-opened outside of work times and at weekends and pedestrian access will remain at all times.

Project manager Derek Benfield said: “This is a busy road and we hope that by working overnight and by phasing our work we will keep disruption to a minimum.

“We would apologise in advance for any inconvenience but hope that road users and residents will feel the short-term disruption will be outweighed by the benefits of having this stretch brought up to standard.”