Island Roads’ Mobile Visitor Centre will be in Bembridge next week in advance of a major drainage scheme soon to be undertaken in the village.
The centre will be at two locations in the village on Wednesday August 17; at Lane End shops between 11.00am and 1.30pm and at Bembridge Community Centre, Steyne Road between 2.30pm and 4.00pm.
Staff will be on hand to give information on the forthcoming drainage scheme in Steyne Road and Lane End and also to answer questions residents may have.
The scheme is designed to address historic problems of carriageway flooding during storm events. It will do this by renewing the gully system and increasing its capacity.
The first phase of the drainage scheme along a 630-metre stretch of Steyne Road is expected to begin early next month and last around 16 weeks. After Christmas the second phase on an 800-metre stretch of Lane End will begin and this is expected to last around nine weeks.
During work, the section of Steyne Road between its junctions with Hillway Road and Lane End Road will be closed to through traffic both day and night. Pedestrian access as well as vehicular access will be maintained where possible throughout the scheme.
As soon as possible after the completion of the project, the carriageway will be resurfaced.
Bembridge Parish Council clerk Emma Goldring said: “Bembridge Parish Council welcomes the major drainage scheme for Steyne Road and Lane End Road followed by full resurfacing works.
“We very much understand the diversions will cause people some inconvenience however we must stress that these are essential works for our village and we must work together to address any concerns to ensure the best outcome.”
Scheme engineer Jason Boulter said: “We have programmed this project so the bulk of the work takes place over the winter period which we hope will reduce inconvenience to road users.
“It is important both for safety reasons and in terms of protecting the road service from potholes that water drains away as quickly and effectively as possible and this is what the scheme is designed to deliver.”