Major work to improve Newchurch roads

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 2:32 pm

Island roads will shortly begin a scheme to improve Newchurch High Street and Winford Road, Newchurch.

The scheme is scheduled to be carried out over 16 days starting on Tuesday 17 April 2018. The work will be undertaken in four phases in order to reduce disruption for residents, local businesses and Newchurch Primary School.

For phases one to three on the section from the A3056 into the village, the work will be undertaken between the hours of 6.30am and 6pm. For the final two-day phase, the section outside of Newchurch Primary, the work will be between 9.30am and 2.30pm – outside of the school drop-off and pick-up periods.

Affected residents and businesses will receive letters explaining details of the scheme and how they will be affected. Island Roads staff have also visited some of the businesses affected to discuss the scheme in person. Island Roads will also visit the community with its mobile visitor centre on Wednesday 28 March between 11am and 1pm in School Lane Car Park, Newchurch.

Island Roads construction manager Keith Gourlay said: “We are carrying out work in phases in order to keep disruption to a minimum, but it is simply not possible to undertake work of this nature without causing some inconvenience. We will however keep residents informed of progress and, of course, of any changes to the schedule.

“We have been out to speak to those businesses most affected and we would like to thank them for their understanding. We would like to stress to the wider community that all businesses will remain open during work

“The businesses we have spoken to appreciate the need for this work and the project will bring a significant improvement to this busy road serving the village. Last year we completed a project to strengthen Spicer’s Bridge at Langbridge so the village has benefitted from some major infrastructure upgrades through our highways improvement project.”