New guide to reporting highways fault online

Posted on: August 19, 2022 at 3:24 pm

A new film has been created by Island Roads to encourage and help people report highways issues using the internet.

Reporting issues online via the Fix My Street online service can be the quickest way of informing Island Roads of issues such as defects but it also helps the company to address these more quickly as residents can plot the precise location of the problem on a digital map.

Fix My Street is easy to use but to help residents who are not as familiar with these online facilities, Island Roads has partnered with Age UK Isle of Wight to create a step-by-step film explaining how residents can report a problem via its website using a smart phone, tablet or personal computer.

Stephen Ashman, Island Roads Service Director, said: “Reporting issues to us online is the most efficient way for residents to report minor defects to us as it provides accurate location information and allows people to share photos of the fault.

“The service is starting to be more widely used but we were keen to create a guide to show people how simple the process is and to encourage more people to use this method of reporting minor issues.

“By reporting these types of issue online it also helps to free up our team in the hub to answer calls about more serious, highway emergencies – such as fallen trees or faults with traffic signals – which we ask people to continue to report by telephoning our hub on 01983 822440.”

As part of Island Roads’ commitment to the Age Friendly Charter, feedback on the film was sought from Age UK IW’s Older Person’s Steering Group.

Nell Riches, Age Friendly Island Team Leader, Age UK Isle of Wight, said: “We welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the development of this film. It is a great tool for those who are not as confident using the internet and will assist with the accurate reporting of access issues on the Island.”

The guide to reporting a problem online can be seen here:

To report a problem with the highway go to: and click on ‘Report it Online’ at the top of the page, or go directly to