Island Roads can provide advice on how to apply for a sign, the basic requirements needed to obtain a sign and deal with all queries relating to existing signs.The Isle of Wight Council set the Tourism Signage Policy and therefore Island Roads can only provide quotations for signs that are in accordance with this policy. To view a copy of this policy, click on the PDF file below:
No – the policy states brown signs can only be used for establishment open to the public without prior booking during normal opening hours. However, it may be possible for a white directional sign to be designed. In the first instance make a written request using the form below to Island Roads stating the exact reasons why you feel a sign is needed, the location you feel it is needed and a copy of the directional information issued to your customers / members. Please be aware the onus is on yourselves to provide clear and concise directional information in your newsletters / literature to your members or visitors and we will only consider a request if the establishment in question is practically difficult to locate, is not already in a location over proliferated with signage and upon receipt of payment for sign costs. We have the right to refuse any request. To complete a pre application form to see if you qualify for a sign, click here.
The policy restricts you to a maximum of 3 possible signs (one either side on approach and one opposite).
The policy restricts you to a maximum of 3 possible signs (one either side on approach and one opposite).
The policy restricts you to a maximum of 3 possible signs (one either side on approach and one opposite).
No – Despite the sign having to be paid for by the establishment, it will belong to Island Roads as it is on highway land. If the sign becomes damaged, falls into poor repair or is stolen regretfully the establishment will have to pay for a replacement.