The Development Control Team is responsible for searches (highway adoption enquiries), street naming and numbering, highway adoption (S38/S278/S228 Agreements), Highway responses to planning applications. Supervision/ delivery of planning related highway improvement schemes.
The Development Control Team offer a pre-application advice service on a Friday morning whereby members of the public can book an appointment with an Engineer to discuss the highway elements of their proposal. Appointments can be made via (01983) 822440 and ask to speak with the Highways Development Control Team or by emailing
Information can be obtained from the Development Control Team on (01983) 822440 or via email at
The Development Control Team will answer initial enquiries about road adoptions, however the responsibility for formally adopting a road remains with the Isle of Wight Council and not Island Roads.
Yes. We charge a minimum of £30.00 to respond in written format to an enquiry relating to adopted status of a road. This fee is due in advance and can be paid by cheque (payable to ‘Ringway Island Roads’), credit/debit card or BACS. However, we do not charge to respond verbally. Send your request to the Development Control Team either by post, or by email to