Work is to start next month on a project to improve a busy road in the heart of Shanklin.
Ahead of the work – which will see the resurfacing of Carter Avenue from Landguard Road to Joseph’s Way – Island Roads staff will visit the area to answer questions residents might have about the scheme.
Because the road serves so many residential properties – upward of 340 – Island Roads will undertake the work at night and the project has also been split into two phases to further reduce disruption.
Local residents have received letters explaining the details of the scheme and how it will affect them, while information boards will be placed in the location prior to works beginning. The scheme is scheduled to get underway on June 19 and last five nights. Work will not be undertaken at the weekend and pedestrian access will be maintained as long as it is safe to do so.
To explain more about the work, Island Roads’ mobile visitor centre will be in Carter Avenue on Wednesday June 6 between noon and 2pm.
Keith Gourlay, Island Roads construction manager said that each individual work site was assessed in advance so the most appropriate programme could be agreed taking in various local factors.
“Work on this type of road would usually be undertaken during the day but Carter Avenue is unusual as it serves so many residential properties. In all the circumstances we have decided night time working is the best solution for this location,” Mr Gourlay said.
“Undertaking the work in two phases, at night – and at later-than-usual start times – will, we hope, mean that disruption will be kept to a minimum.”