Schemes to improve the quality of two roads in Ventnor are to begin shortly.
The schemes are at Gills Cliff Road and Newport Road (The Graben) and Island Roads can assure residents that the works will not take place at the same time.
As residents will know, the section of Newport Road in Ventnor is subject to ground movement which means it is prone to ongoing deterioration.
It is not possible to undertake a project to address the wider ground movement in this general area so Island Roads is contracted to undertake work at various points during the PFI to ensure the road remains safe.
The current condition of the road is such that improvement works are required and we have set aside three weeks in November / December within which we can do this.
However further discussions are needed before we can confirm the exact nature of the work and the time required to do it. We will endeavour to keep the duration of work as short as possible and are hopeful the actual closure will be shorter than the three-week window advertised.
At Gills Cliff Road, we are improving a section of road at various locations between Ocean View Road and Whitwell Road in a project that is scheduled to last three weeks, however if it becomes necessary to close Newport Road during this time, then these works will be suspended and the road will be opened.
Wherever possible, Island Roads carries out road improvement work outside of the summer months when traffic is lighter. In doing so, we are left with fewer months of the year in which to work and this can lead to intensive activity in the winter months – particularly the early part of the winter when conditions can be expected to be milder that in the post-Christmas period.
We are mindful of the impact work has on residents so we do plan our schemes carefully in order to minimise inconvenience. We can assure residents that the projects at the Newport Road (The Graben) and in Gills Cliff Road will not be undertaken at the same time.