Road improvement work underway in Shanklin

Posted on: June 21, 2019 at 9:17 pm

Work to improve roads in the centre of Shanklin is now underway.

Under the Highways PFI,Island Roadswill be upgradingRegent Street,Landguard RoadandAtherley Road. The works will be undertaken overnight given the busy nature of the roads and the fact thatRegent Streetin particular is largely commercial in nature.

The work has also been programmed to be outside of the main tourism season.

Regent Street has recently been resurfaced betweenCarter Roadand the train station.

Work has now switched toAtherley Roadwhere the stretch betweenWilton Park RoadandNorth Roadis currently being resurfaced. The remaining stretch (betweenWilton Park Roadand the train station) is being assessed as it will require a different treatment to the rest of the section. Work is taking place between 8pm and 4am during which time westbound traffic will be diverted viaNorth Road,Clarendon RoadandRegent Streetand eastbound traffic viaRegent Street,St Paul’s Avenue andNorth Road. This work is due for completion today (20 October).

Landguard Roadis due to be resurfaced between the High Street andMarine Cross Roadin work scheduled to last up to five nights from October 21. Work will again be carried out between the hours of 8pm and 4am during which time the diversion route for northbound traffic will beCollingwood Road,Brook RoadandCarter Avenueand for southbound trafficCarter Road,Regent Street,Atherley Road, NorthRoad and High Street.

Residents in each of the roads have been informed of the work and the necessary road closures and traffic restrictions. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Keith Gourlay,Island Roadsconstruction manager, said: “It is impossible to undertake works in town centre locations without causing some inconvenience but we hope that by doing these improvements out of season and at night we will help keep this to a minimum.

“We apologise in advance for any disruption caused to residents and road users but would hope that any inconvenience will be offset by the fact this work will greatly improve the highway network in this busy area.”