Still time to take part in 2021 customer survey

Posted on: February 17, 2021 at 2:28 pm

There is still time to take part in Island Roads’ annual customer survey, which runs until 28 February.

The survey seeks people’s views on the full range of services it provides, including road and footway resurfacing, winter maintenance, street cleansing, verge and grass cutting, customer services and the work of its grant giving organisation – the Isle of Wight Foundation.

Steve Ambrose, Island Roads business manager said: “The results of our annual survey play a really important role in helping us to identify areas in which we need to improve.

“It has certainly been a challenging year and we have had to adapt our ways of working because of the pandemic, however we remain committed to delivering our work to the highest standards.

“We would urge people to share their experiences – both good and bad – via the survey so that we can formally gauge people’s views of our work across all aspects of the business.”

People are being urged to complete the survey online this year due to Covid restrictions, however paper copies are available on request for anyone who does not have access to an online version of the survey and would like to take part.

Residents have until 28 February 2021 to complete the survey which can be completed online via Paper copies can be requested by email to or phone 01983 822440.

The Island’s Highways PFI is financed in the main through a grant of £477 million awarded by the Department for Transport and delivered in partnership with the Isle of Wight Council.