The upgrade of Newport’s busy Riverway trading estate has been completed on schedule – despite losing time to this week’s stormy weather.
Working overnight, Island Roads managed to make up some lost time – thanks in no small part to the co-operation of many businesses on the estate who worked with project managers to accommodate the resurfacing work.
The section between Manners View and the Lidl Roundabout, including the slip road from Medina Way, has all been upgraded during the project. Work was undertaken overnight to reduce inconvenience to businesses, many of who – including Royal Mail, Adams Morey, Milk and More, Medina Foods and Steve Porter Transport – operate around-the clock.
Work was also programmed to reduce the impact on businesses within the Wakes Trading Estate and on Little London and Hurstake Road.
One night of the planned nine-shift project was also lost due to the wind and rain.
Andrew Tunnicliffe, Island Roads highways supervisor, said: “With an uncertain forecast and knowing the requirements of the businesses on Riverway it was very important we completed the project on time and I am pleased to say we managed to do that despite the challenges.
“The support of many local businesses was absolutely crucial in achieving this and Island Roads would like to thank all those involved for working so positively with us.”
David Groves, Operations Manager with Steve Porter Transport said: “The road clearly needed doing and the issue for Island Roads was making sure they were able to undertake the required work without causing undue disruption to businesses on the estate.
“Sharing information was key and together we were able to take steps that meant we could both undertake our business leaving Riverway with a vastly improved road surface.”
The Riverway scheme is part of the Island’s Highway Improvement Progarmme which is financed in the main trhough a grant of £477 million awarded by the Department of Transport.