Upgrade for Cowes town centre site

Posted on: June 23, 2019 at 3:51 pm
Carvel Lane in Cowes

A busy section of Cowes town centre is to be resurfaced by Island Roads next month.

The ‘loop’ between Terminus Road, The High Street and Carvel Lane is due to be upgraded over two nights – Tuesday June 4 and 5.

Work is being undertaken at night given the busy nature of the section and the fact it serves the Red Jet Terminal, a taxi rank and Southern Vectis’ Cowes bus route. Island Roads is talking to these transport providers about the impact of work on their services.

The working hours will be between 7.30pm and 6am during which the roads will be closed to traffic. The road will be open as normal outside of these times and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Keith Gourlay, Island Roads construction manager said: “This is a busy section of road that those who use it will be well aware is in need of an upgrade.

“We hope that by doing the work overnight we will keep disruption to a minimum but I would like to thank road users and businesses in advance for their co-operation and understanding.”


The scheme is part of the Island’s Highway Improvement Programme which is financed in the main through a grant of £477 million awarded by the Department for Transport.