Whitepit Lane wall to be improved

Posted on: June 22, 2019 at 6:15 am
The retaining wall at Whitepit Lane, Newport

Work is to begin shortly on a major scheme by Island Roads to repair and strengthen the wall that retains the footway along Whitepit Lane in Newport.

The scheme, which is scheduled to begin on 29th August and last approximately six weeks, is part of an ongoing programme of work by Island Roads to improve the condition of local authority structures – mostly bridges and retaining walls – across the Island this year.

The work at Whitepit Lane will involve removing sections of the concrete walls that are deteriorating. New concrete sections will be formed and, where appropriate, joints put in place to help prevent future cracking.

In order for the work to be undertaken as safely and quickly as possible, a one-way system from west to east will be put in place for vehicles along the entire length of Whitepit Lane. This means that it will not be necessary to use temporary traffic lights to regulate traffic. Unfortunately, parking restrictions will also have to be put in place to allow us to carry out this work. 

“Given the residential nature of this road, it is impossible to undertake the work without some inconvenience, but we hope the one-way arrangement we are putting in place will help keep disruption to a minimum,” said Island Roads structures manager Ian Hodson.

 “As residents will know, the wall is in need of repair and this strengthening work will result in a structure that remains in good condition for many years to come.”